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NY Style Pizza Dough

Servings: Makes two 12 to 14 inch pizzas*

Servings: Makes two 12-14 inch pizzas*
  • 470 g bread flour (455 g flour + 15 g vital wheat gluten)
  • 25 g sugar
  • 1 ½ g instant yeast (2 g active dry yeast)
  • 285 g ice water (285 g warm water)
  • 9 g kosher salt (4 g table salt)
  • 15 mL olive oil
  1. Combine 455 grams of flour with 15 grams of vital wheat gluten and 25 grams of sugar in the bowl of a food processor.
  2. Add 2 grams of yeast to 285 grams of warm water and let bloom.
  3. Process the mixture together a few times just to combine everything before streaming the water through the feed tube as the machine runs until a ball of dough forms. (This should give you a dough with a hydration of about 60%.)
  4. After letting the dough rest for about 15 minutes, add 4 grams of table salt (9 grams of kosher salt) and 15 milliliters of olive oil. Pop the lid back on and process for anywhere from 60 to 90 seconds until you have a smooth, supple, and silky dough.
  5. Using a lightly oiled countertop and hands, knead the dough until it cohesively comes together in a very soft and smooth mass. Form it into a taut ball and place it into an oiled container to proof in the fridge overnight to improve the dough’s texture and flavor.
  6. Divide the chilled dough in half and stretch it into two taut balls. Place the balls of dough on a lightly floured rimmed baking sheet or proofing box for about 2 hours at room temperature or until it is light and easy to work with.
  7. Flour both your work surface and the dough itself and pat the dough out as wide as possible with your fingers. Leave a very small rim around the outside that will eventually become the crust.
  8. Begin gently and slowly stretching the dough by passing it knuckle over knuckle until it is as thin as you can get it, about 14 to 16 inches wide. Place the stretched out dough on a generously corn mealed pizza peel.
  9. Add a layer of pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese.
  10. Place the pizza in the oven at 550°F for 6 minutes. Rotate the pizza often and make sure to pop any air bubbles before taking it out of the oven once the exterior is deeply browned and the cheese is melted and golden brown.
  • *If you split into 3 pizzas, it's actually better (less dough).
  • Take the dough out of fridge at least 2 hours before baking, and immediately split into two balls / get out on the counter. Let them warm enough to stay when stretched and not bounce back.

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