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Deep Dish Pan Pizza Dough

Servings: Makes one 10-inch pan pizza*

Servings: Makes one 10-inch pan pizza*
  • 240 g bread flour (232 g flour + 8 g vital wheat gluten)
  • 1 ½ g instant yeast (2 g active dry yeast)
  • 170 g water
  • 15 mL olive oil
  • 4 g kosher salt (2 g table salt)
  1. In a bowl, combine 232 grams of flour and 8 grams of vital wheat gluten and whisk to disperse.
  2. Add 2 grams dry yeast to 170 grams of warm water and let bloom (for a dough with a hydration of 70%). Add to the flour, and add 15 milliliters of olive oil (to add flavor and shorten the gluten strands). Mix to combine.
  3. Then, add 2 grams of table salt (4 grams kosher salt) and continue mixing until no dry spots remain. Use the lift and fold technique to develop the gluten. That is, lift and fold on itself until the dough is smoother, then lift and fold 4 to 8 times (turning a quarter turn each time) every 20 minutes for an hour (3 times). Let the dough rest in an oiled container overnight in the refrigerator.
  4. Generously lubricate a 10-inch cast iron skillet with 2 to 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Carefully dump the chilled ball of dough inside of the skillet. Flip the dough once to coat it with oil and gently press it out to fill the bottom of the pan.
  5. Depending on how cold your dough is, you may experience some resistance. Cover with plastic wrap and let it rest for 15 minutes before trying again. Once it is shaped, it should be out of the refrigerator for about an hour and a half before topping and baking.
  6. To begin, preheat a pizza stone (or large pan) in the oven at 550°F for at least an hour, ensuring that the bottom of the pizza gets blasted with enough heat to make it crisp.
  7. Add pizza sauce, cheese, and toppings, making sure to spread the cheese all the way out to the edges for a cheesy crunch on the outside.
  8. Place the pizza into the oven for anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes, being rotated once halfway through. (I baked for 14 minutes last time, but would reduce this to maybe 12 total).
  9. After baking, let the pizza rest for about 10 minutes to absorb the oil. If the bottom texture is not crunchy enough, place it in the cast iron skillet on the stovetop over medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes until the bottom is crisp. Slice and serve as desired.
  • *Double this recipe and split into 3 pizzas. Just the right amount of dough.
  • The dough will puff up a lot. Take the dough out of the fridge only about an hour before baking.

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