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Skunk Cleaner for Dogs
This recipe is used to remove skunk oil from dogs!
  • ¼ cup baking soda
  • 2 tsp mild dishwashing detergent (like Ivory Snow)
  • 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide
  1. Mix in a bucket and use immediately
  2. Work the foaming mixture well into the coat
  3. Leave on for five minutes
  4. Rinse with warm water
  5. Follow with dog shampoo if desired
  • Be careful around the dog’s eyes as this is a potent formula. Don’t use a higher than 3% hydrogen peroxide solution as it may burn. Mix it fresh, use it and discard it. If you store this mixture in a closed container it will explode. The hydrogen peroxide may bleach the coat (think bleached blond) so be careful on those black dogs. The less time the solution stays on the less likely for bleaching.

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