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Homemade Peach Pie Filling to Freeze

Servings: 1 pie

Servings: 1 pie
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • ¼ cup cornstarch
  • 1 T. lemon juice (I didn’t have any lemon juice, so go on).
  • 1 t. vanilla
  • 4 cups (4 to 5 large) peaches   (Missouri this year are very good.  Colorado are also excellent but come in later).
  1. In a large saucepan, whisk together sugar, water, cornstarch, and lemon juice. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring often. Cook until thickened, about 2 to 3 minutes.
  2. Remove from the heat and stir in vanilla and peaches. Cool to room temperature then use as desired
  3. subheading: How to freeze peach pie filling:
  4. subheading: There are two ways to freeze peach pie filling:
  5. Line a freezable pie plate (not glass as it may shatter when baked at a cold temperature) with pie dough. Fill the dough with the peach pie filling then cover the top with another piece of pie dough. Fully cover with plastic wrap then place in a freezer-safe plastic bag.
  6. Transfer the pie filling to a freezer-safe plastic bag. Place the bag inside an empty pie plate and spread out so it takes the shape of the plate. Freeze until firm. Because it’s the shape of the plate, it should be easy to transfer and bake when ready.
  7. Whichever method you choose, freeze for up to 3 months. When ready to bake, cut three slits into the top of the crust and bake at 400F for 45 to 60 minutes or until the crust is golden brown.
  8. subheading: Notes from Mom:
  9. First of all, I doubled the recipe, so I ended up with two small/regular pies.
  10. I put 2 c water, 2 c. sugar, and ½ c. cornstarch in my tall spaghetti pan, heat on medium, stirring constantly with a wire whisk ‘til bubbling and keep going ‘til thick.  Stay with it so it won’t burn..
  11. As stated, remove from heat, cool five minutes, then add 2 t. vanilla.  I also added about 1 T. Fruit Fresh as I had no lemon juice, and I sprinkled about 1 t. Cinnamon. Now to the peaches...
  12. Then, they may have just peeled fresh peaches, but I did as if I were canning peaches, I got my big pot with the lid that has holes in it, I filled half full with water & bring to boil.  Put in 10 medium peaches, and blanch them 3 minutes or so, ‘til the skins can be removed.
  13. Use a metal slotted spoon, take them out and place in my green plastic bowl with the holes in it to drain excess water and juice.  Let them cool five minutes or so, and then hold each under a cold dribble and remove skins, and slice back into holey bowl. Do all ten.  They look nearly cooked. Shake bowl a little to remove excess water.
  14. Okay, take the ten lovely drained sliced peaches and pour them into the filling in the tall pan.  Use a soft spatula and fold a few times. How have I never known this.
  15. Okay, since I doubled it, I got out two one-gallon sized Ziploc freezer bags, laid flat.  I used my one cup measuring cup and each bag held three giant scoops of the peach pie filling placed kind of in center.   And since I do not have a FoodSaver vacuum sealer, I do it the redneck way: zip the bag ¾ closed, lean down and put your mouth on the corner, inhale, and zip it closed.
  16. Now get out two aluminum pie tins.  Not glass.  Place one bag of pie filling in each pie tin and coax the peaches in the bag to lay nicely inside the pie pan.  Place them in the freezer.
  17. Aaand, now we don’t have to wonder, when we make our fruit pie for the Chicken Dinner, if the CENTER of the pie is done.  It’s gorgeous. We know it’s already done. All we have to do is make the pie crusts, put it in, and bake ‘til the crust is done and pie filling hot.  Where has this been all my life??! Note: I’m wondering if I should probably let the innards thaw before placing in crust.
  18. On 7/24/19 I bought Lori Anne peaches from HyVee Indianola, I did 8 peaches, doubled the recipe (2,2,½ ) and made one large pie.  You just can never tell when peaches taste good as the outside looks fine.  I think early is best.
  • So today, early yummy peaches are available in the store, and I wanted to finish my Missouri peaches.  I got them at Fareway Norwalk.   I already canned several jars of peaches, so I googled “recipe for peach pie filling to freeze” because you can’t can pie filling in jars, as you can’t can cornstarch or flour things.  After checking the first few listings which had ingredients that were not in my cupboard,  I came to “chocolatemoosey.com” “homemade in the kitchen” 8-6-13 “homemade peach pie filling”.

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